Monday 11 November 2013


Paul Arden, advertising guru once said “why strive for excellence when mediocrity is required?” this seems to apply in the music and film industry.

As I was listening to music on YouTube, I accidentally clicked on a link to a rap song by ‘French Montana’, boy was I in for a surprise or should I say disaster… really? What happened to the creative and story-telling rap music? Was Nas right to say hip hop is dead? Has it really come down to rapping about women’s body parts, how much money they have in their bank accounts, and one liner songs like the one I was listening to? For the whole three minutes and some seconds all this guy was saying was” N%&^a I ain’t worried about nothing, really? He should be worried about his lyrical content, or he will not last in this industry. But from the looks of the viewers this fool had more than 21 million other fools listening and commenting on how ‘dope’ the song is, wow.

Over the years the US government has accused rap music of encouraging violence, but documentaries such as ‘Bowling for Columbine’ proved that to be otherwise. What the US government should have accused rap music of is instilling mediocrity in our young minds and breeding a nation of irrational thinkers, who follow and believe everything musicians and actors feed them. And due to what young people are exposed to, the UK has found that 50% of young people in the world have the same goal, which is wealth and fame. I don’t blame these young people, the music and film industry has put out a message that you can produce mediocrity work and still get rewarded for it. The film and music industry has become a get rich quick scheme, and losing its value in the process.

where has the creative juices of script writers gone, why are we remixing films. i thought that that was for music. films like Super Man, Titanic, and many others are being remade, what is the use of DVD's that give people access to owning a copy for ever? Don't get me started on franchise films, like Bond movies, Fast and the Furious, are we being lazy to come up with something totally different?

My point to this whole article is that, the music and the film industry have great influence on the youth, especially rap music. It dictates the way the youth dress, think, and speak, their dreams and finally the future of the world. If mediocrity is the order of the day, we can be sure that the future will be mediocrity too. This should worry the rest of us who do care about where the world is going. 

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